Healthy And Balanced Origins Cognizin Evaluation - 8 Factors You Need To Know

brain health

Cognizin is marketed as a patented, branded version of Citicoline or CDP Choline (Cytidine 5'diphosphocholine) that is designed to help support the function of memory and improve cognition. Healthy Origins markets and manufactures the formula. According to the company, the formula helps to maintain healthy brain metabolism as well as protects neural structures from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains vital phospholipids.

Healthy Origins is supplier of nutritional supplements since 1996. The company is located in Pittsburgh. Its goal is to provide consumers with quality products, produced and manufactured in accordance with the strict FDA mandated cGMP guidelines. The company has a wide range of condition-specific formulations that can help in joint memory health and immune support formulas and antioxidants.

Cognizin Quick Facts

Cognizin contains Citicoline or CDP-Choline (Cytidine 5'diphosphocholine). According to the manufacturer, the formula is free of salt, sugar and starch. It also does not contain gluten, wheat, yeast corn, soy barley and shellfish, as well as fish nuts, tree nuts, milk products, preservatives, artificial colors, or artificial flavors.

CDP-Choline occurs naturally as a biological substance that plays two crucial roles in the maintenance of optimal brain health. It acts as an intermediate in the production of Phosphatidylcholine and also enhances the production of neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. The chemical may also have antioxidant properties, which can enhance the benefits to your brain.

Phosphatidylcholine accounts for about 30 percent of the grey matter in brain tissue and is an essential part of cell membranes. The health of cell membranes is extremely important for all cell processes and inter-cellular communication. Acetylcholine is a most important brain neurotransmitters, playing the ability to sustain attention, improving learning, short-term memory, reward system, REM sleep and sensory perception upon waking.

Although the evidence is scarce but it is clear that CDP Choline may improve mental acuity, memory alertness and energy levels in those with memory impairment. It could be similar to the case for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Safety and side effects aren't known in the long run. Certain people have reported insomnia, headaches, blurred vision, diarrhea low or high blood pressure nausea, chest pains or stomach cramps after taking CDP Choline.

What's in Cognizin?

Cognizin comprises the following components: Citicoline 250mg, Cognizin Citicoline, (CDP-Choline), Cognizin Citicoline, Gelatin Capsule, Bovine Gelatin, Water), Cellulose and Magnesium Stearate.

Is Cognizin suitable for you?

Cognizin is a single-ingredient formulation.

Citicoline (CDP-Choline or Cytidine-5' diphosphate Choline) is an anti-nootropic drug which enhances cognitive performance. This chemical is a precursor for Phosphatidylcholine (a phospholipid found in all cells of our body). It is researched for its ability to reduce the effects of oxidative stress on age-related changes and enhance the brain's memory and function. Lecithin is typically marketed as Supplemental Phosphatidylcholine, but it is actually a complex collection of substances that includes substantial amounts of PC. Research has shown that this type of PC is harmful to the brain since it is stored in the liver.

Citicoline is also vital in the production of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine (ACh). It is considered a neuromodulator. It supports an optimal communications between nerve cells, maintains the focus of attention, and enhances memory. Memory impairments have been associated with lower levels of ACh even in Alzheimer's patients. Patients suffering from this condition have experienced a decrease in Acetylcholine that can reach 90%. ACh deficiency can cause dry mouth dry reading, writing disorders, memory lapses and learning problems. They also lead to difficulties in concentration, attention, and other issues.

Supplements based on Citicoline are thought to be as one of the most effective treatments for restoring proper levels of PC and ACh in the brain. After passing the brain blood barrier, the substance is converted into the choline (and Cytidine) within the intestinal. The brain then can utilize it to produce Acetylcholine.

There are no serious adverse side effects associated with Citicoline have been reported for the use of the drug (for dosages of 2000 mg/day). The chest may hurt, headaches nausea, diarrhea, or insomnia may occur in some cases. There are no mentioned interactions with other medications. It is best to speak with a healthcare professional before you take this medication. This precautionary measure is also advised for breastfeeding or pregnant women.

Cognizin Wellness Advantages

This formula is free of any salt, sugar, starch or artificial flavor.

Generally positive consumer reviews

Cognizin Product Warns

Citicoline could cause adverse reactions, even though it is not explicitly stated by the manufacturer.

The long-term safety and adverse consequences of CDP-Choline aren't thoroughly investigated.

Cognizin Price

The formula is available in four different sizes (starting at 7 and going up to 150 capsules). The price for one month's supply is moderately low. The formula is accessible for online purchase directly from the manufacturer. The manufacturer guarantees delivery to international destinations. Shipping costs for international orders are not made public and can differ based on the preferences of the individual consumer. Shipping charges for orders from the USA are fairly inexpensive, but can be a bit different according to the shipping method chosen by the customer. Taxes on delivery do not apply for orders of more than $100.

There seems to be no money-back guarantee offered by this company. At the moment of this review, the manufacturer provides discounts for all four quantities offered.

Cognizin Directions

The recommended dosage is between 1 and 2 capsules daily. There are no adverse effects reported by the manufacturer. Cognizin is typically well-received by consumers. It provides an increase in memory in mental clarity, sharper thinking, and a sharper focus.

The Bottom Line "Does it work?"

Cognizin is advertised as a supplement to memory cognition and also includes the nutritional ingredient Citicoline. It works to increase the levels in brain cells of Acetylcholine (and Phosphatidylcholine). They play a crucial role in maintaining, protecting , and improving the cognitive performance and function. The effectiveness of Citicoline is confirmed by numerous studies. The research is ongoing to understand more about the effects of this drug (implications of memory impairments, age-related issues, etc. .


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